Indications That You May Require Tree Lopping Services

30 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog


Tree lopping is a service offered by professional arborists. It comprises the removal of various parts of the tree such as trimming away branches or shortening the trunk of a tree to reduce its height. In some instances, tree lopping may involve the complete removal of the tree due to special circumstances. For most homeowners, having a tree on their property is great for both functionality in the provision of shade, as well as aesthetics. However, if the tree has become compromised, you need to consider tree lopping services so the professionals can determine if keeping the tree as it is will be beneficial to your property or not. Here are some of the indications that you may require tree lopping services.

The tree is gradually dying

If a tree on your property were dying, it would be prudent to engage in tree lopping services. There are various ways that the professionals could tackle this. For instance, if the tree is dying in some areas, which results in weakened branches, then the arborists may opt to simply cut off the affected branches in an attempt to save the tree. This may modify the shape of your tree, but overall the tree can be saved. On the other hand, if the decay is extensive, then they may opt for complete tree removal.

Leaving a tree to die off naturally poses both a hazard on your property for various reasons. For one, as the branches keep weakening, they can fall off and cause property damage. Secondly, as the tree dies, the decay attracts insects and other pests, which poses the risk of an infestation on your property. As soon as you see the signs of your tree dying, it is best to enlist the services of tree lopping specialists so that they can make an educated decision on how best to move forward.

The tree is causing property damage

In some instances, your tree could be healthy but may be growing at an alarming rate. Perhaps you did not realize how large the tree would be. Property damage can occur in two ways. The most common is through large trunks, which begin to encroach on your underground plumbing and gas piping system. Left undeterred, this can cause extensive damage to the infrastructure of your utilities.

The second way that the tree can cause property damage is through branches that have gone awry. Not only do they have the potential of breaking the windows in your home, but also they will interfere with power lines and could even cause damage to your neighbours' property. In this case, the arborist will come in to trim the overgrown roots and tree limbs. They can even take it a step further by directing the growth of new tree limbs away from your home and power lines using guide wires.